Message for Present Corona Issue
COVID-19 with its monstrous countenance-with the speed of whirlwind-has solidly become the nightmare of the entire world today. COVID-19 stands for Corona Virus Disease 2019 which has already wreaked havoc globally as it infected over one hundred fifty-nine million people so far and the death toll worldwide is more than 3 million hitherto. Seemingly we were about to mitigate its upshot with the provision of vaccines in time but as the second wave just hit the populace, tension has arisen once again.
As we know there is no specific treatment for this disease- the most ideal approach to forestall and hinder the transmission is be all around educated about the COVID-19 infection, the illness it causes and how it spreads. Protecting yourself as well as other people from contamination by wearing masks, washing your hands or utilizing an alcohol based rub every now and then and not touching your face- are some of the measures to halt the transmission.
HeLO (Healthy Heart Happy life Organization) moved forward to curb the grave circumstances. It began its activities with health awareness program. HeLO and BATA mutually organized PPE distribution for doctors and allied forces in different COVID 19 treating hospitals. They are likewise providing masks, gloves and hand sanitizers for city Corporation cleaners who are at high risk too. HeLO will be distributing necessary foods for needy people of the City soon. HeLO promises to carry on such activities till the end of this COVID 19 pandemic.
We are going through a very crucial situation. But this is not the first time human beings are facing such type of outbreak. We have the blatant experiences of fighting and defeating many epidemics in the past. So instead of being panicky we should fly our hope to the top of the flagpole and try our best to earn the victory against this deadly virus. And to earn this victory a holistic approach is mandatory.
“Healthy Heart Happy Life” is a non-government, non-profit, non-political, voluntary organization based on the slogan “charity, awareness and research for humanity”. The organization chiefly contributes to human development through creating awareness on different issues, carrying out research and providing humanitarian services.
In Bangladesh, there is serious deficiency in epidemiological information and disease-specific database of our own, research in health sector is also not upto the mark. No country can pinpoint its problems without research and relevant databases. Solving the problem and development is not possible without identifying the problems first. On this background, to fill the gap, Healthy Heart Happy Life Organization was formed by some research-oriented doctors and like-minded professionals from different fields.
Mission & Vision
To work on developing awareness amongst the people from all walks of life about healthy heart and cardiovascular diseases. The main reasons behind cardiovascular diseases are smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, abnormal blood lipid, obesity, etc. The prime objective of the organization is to aware people of these risk factors and to encourage people to act accordingly to prevent and control the deadly heart and vascular diseases.
The children and the youth are the future of the nation. Because of socioeconomic transition, food habit, smoking and drug dependence, lack of physical activities, etc. are causing the younger generation to develop and suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal blood fats, heart disease, stroke and so on. The Organization intends to focus on this vulnerable group, so that they can possess healthy life without being victims of the evils of life.